Birmingham Housing Solutions

  1. Overview
  2. Case Type Specifics
  3. Birmingham Housing Solutions

Case WorkFlow

This case type has the following possible Case Statuses.

  1. Referral Entered
  2. Contact Client
  3. Triage
  4. IAG Only
  5. Housing Needs Assessment
  6. Prevention
  7. Relief
  8. Referred to BCC
  9. Closure
  10. Closed

Status Information

Referral Entered

This status is for a newly entered referral.

This case cannot be moved forward until the CONFIRM REFERRAL case action has been used to confirm we have acknowledged the referral has been processed or it is marked as a self-referral.

Contact Client

This status record attempts to contact the client. You can record unsuccessful attempts to contact the client (so we can report for KPI purposes) and confirm that you contacted the client.

You cannot move this case forward until the FLAG: Client Contacted case action has been used, and you cannot move the case to closure (if you cannot contact the client after multiple attempts) without using the CONTACT UNSUCCESSFUL case action.


This case status is used to update the case during triage, primarily to identify what kind of support the client requires and what interventions we need to undertake on their behalf.

There are three options for moving this case forward: TO CLOSURE, TO HNA, TO IAG. Your triage work will identify the right route for this case.

IAG Only


Housing Needs Assessment






Referred to BCC



This is the final case status before the case is closed. You cannot close a case until you use the CONFIRM CLOSURE case action to verify that you have contacted the original referrer with the outcome or recorded that it was a self-referral.

You may also want/need to complete a further Safe Lives Assessment.

When you click to close the case, you MUST choose the appropriate Primary Outcome from the dropdown list. The Housing Solutions outcomes are prefixed with HS.

It is possible to close a case without selecting this Primary Outcome, however if you do so, you will be asked to re-open and then close the case again, selecting the correct Primary Outcome.


This case is closed; however, it is possible to return it to the Triage phase if it was closed prematurely or in error.

Closed cases should NOT be re-opened if a client re-presents; a new case should be opened unless your Team Leader/Manager agrees otherwise.


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