Cranstoun has an internal Helpdesk to assist with changes to Daisy. They can help and advise if you have any problems using Daisy.
Client Details
You can change these yourself from the Client screen (Edit Details). If you are unsure or unclear how to edit a client's details, please log a Helpdesk Ticket quoting the Client Reference number (CL-), and someone will assist you.
Case Type
If you open a case using the incorrect case type, you can have it changed. Please log a Helpdesk Ticket quoting the Case Reference number (CA-) and the correct case type and status, and someone will make those changes for you.
Duplicate Clients
You may accidentally create a duplicate client or find someone else has done so. Wherever possible, we want only one client record on the system, even if it is linked to multiple cases. If you find duplicate records, please log a Helpdesk Ticket quoting the CA- numbers, and these records will be merged for you. This will leave a single client record with multiple cases unless you request one of the duplicate cases be deleted. It is possible to merge the clients yourself from the "Merge client" option, but we only recommend you do this if you are entirely confident the clients are the same and understand how the process works. Otherwise, some client data may be lost.
Revert Case Status
It is possible to move a case backwards to a previous case status. This may be an expected part of our case management process and is then available from the Status Tasks menu on the left-hand side. If this is not available to you, you must log a Helpdesk Ticket stating the CA number, the new case status, and the reason for the change.
Dropdown Menus
If any dropdown menu is missing an option that you require, please first discuss this with your Team Leader/Manager to confirm that it is required, then log a Helpdesk ticket as a "Daisy Problem" and give the details of the field to be changed, and the option to be added. Someone from the Helpdesk will contact you once the change has been made or if they need further information.