When you complete a DASH/Risk Assessment in Daisy, it is scored using the standard mechanism, and this score is shown on the main case page.
In the above example, the score falls below the threshold of 14, so a referral is not required. The worker may override this decision by making a referral, but the system doesn't offer this option.
This case scored over the threshold, so a referral is required, and the worker can click the button to open a form. However, this form does not include data recorded within the original DASH and must be completed again. The workers also have to complete an actual MARAC referral form, which differs in each location.
The suggested change to this process isn't simple and seeks to resolve several other issues simultaneously. To ensure its suitability, senior managers would need to approve it.
- Change the existing Daisy Configuration for the DASH to remove the "Professional" section of the form because this is difficult to complete without knowing the DASH score, and the work has to be repeated if an assessment is required.
- Add two new sections to replace the professional section, covering the SOAG and SAFETY planning. This means that a worker can open this single case action and update 1, 2 or all 3 parts of this for the client, and the information is held in a single case action instead of 3 different ones currently. It would also mean that something changing in one section, might prompt the need for another section to be changed, for example, if increased violence became apparently from a new SOAG, the safety plan may need revision, and it would be immediately available for update.
- A new Case Action would be created for a MARAC referral. This wouldn't have a form to complete unless additional detail was required, but it would allow the actual MARAC referral form to be attached. The case action could then be reported so we would know how many referrals were made and for which cases. We don't report on the content of the form; we report on referrals made.