KPI Stats Access

  1. Overview
  2. KPIs
  3. KPI Stats Access
What is it?

The spreadsheet contains details of all the cases in Daisy, including all the case and demographic data, but it does not include the clients' names.

It is designed to give you quick access to quite detailed information about all the Daisy Cases.

It can be filtered by Case Type and/or Reporting Authority.

Where is it?

I've uploaded this spreadsheet to the DA Managers Teams folder

Full Daisy Case Analysis v1.04.xlsx

This will give you some initial access to the KPI info extracted, primarily regarding referrals and demographic data.

How to use it?

The entire spreadsheet is locked down, except for the DAISYDATA tab filtering and cells A1 and A2 in the STATS tab.

Select the Case Type from the dropdown list in A1 and/or the Reporting Authority from the dropdown list in A2.

If you choose a * from either list, it lists all cases/reporting authorities.

I'd imagine that, generally, you may want to choose only one of these rather than both.

On the STATS tab, the following columns exist:

E - Total for all cases that match the Case Type and/or the Reporting Authority selected

N - Total Numbers for 2024 as a whole

P - Q1 2024

Q - Q2 2024

R - Q3 2024

S - Q4 2024

All Quarters are calendar quarters, Jan 2024 to Dec 2024


I've tested the stats as much as possible, and the file contains many checksums to ensure the same number of cases appears each time. If you think the numbers look wrong or a formula isn't working correctly, please let me know, and I'll check again.

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