Case Hub - Select Case Type

  1. Overview
  2. Creating a Client/Case
  3. Case Hub - Select Case Type

Once you have entered the details of your new client or selected an existing client, you must choose the appropriate case type. 

From the Create Case menu on the right-hand side of the screen, click the Case Type dropdown menu and choose the appropriate case type from the list. Your list may only have a single option or multiple options depending on which team you work for.

Once you have selected the case type, you may want to complete the following fields:

Summary: This is a small text field that displays on your Case Listing screen to give you a brief overview of the case type or some key information you need to remember for this case. It can be left blank.

Reporting Authority: This field is mandatory for case, client and KPI reporting.

Referral Information: This should be used to record the information provided by the referral organisation or self-referral.

Risk Rating: This defaults to HIGH and should remain high until a risk assessment is completed.

Next Step: Save and Create Case

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