To create a new case in Daisy, we use the CASE HUB. This allows us to create a case and search to see if the clients are already on the system. To access the case hub, simply click ...
Entering data into the fields on the left of the screen will cause the system to look for matching clients from the existing client database. You can use any of the fields on the l ...
When you have entered the details for the client on the Case Hub screen, any matching records will be displayed in the centre of the screen. You can open up further information on ...
To select a client from the list of matches to create a new case, simply click their name in the list. If the name you select matches exactly the name you entered, the left-hand ...
If there is no matching client on the system, we must assume this is a new client. To create a new client record, complete as much of the client profile as possible with the inform ...
Once you have entered the details of your new client or selected an existing client, you must choose the appropriate case type. From the Create Case menu on the right-hand side o ...
Once you have completed as much information as possible, click the SAVE button to create a new client and case for that client. You will then be taken to the case details screen, ...